Ayurvedic Guide to Spring

Ayurveda encourages us to move and flow with the seasons. Seasonal transitions are one of the main causes of dis-ease and commonly cause imbalances and disturbances in the mind and body. It's definitely common to feel a bit tired or out-of-sorts at this time, but not to worry! When we begin tuning into the season, noticing the shifts in our environment and ourselves, we can transition smoothly by making small shifts in our daily routine.

As it starts to warm up, our heavier diets necessary for colder months and more grounding winter lifestyle won’t continue to serve us as we move into the spring, which is known as kapha season. Kapha is made up of the earth and water elements and is cool, wet, slow, dull and stable. With the increase in rain and the melting snow this space of time has a dampness and heaviness to it and can make us more susceptible to colds, exhaustion, allergies and congestion. Because of our unique constitutions this transition will vary for each of us.

Here are a few ways you can begin to adjust to the changing season:

  1. Begin to incorporate lighter and dryer foods to balance out the heavy dampness and keep digestion moving. Consider bringing in more bitter, astringent and pungent tastes, which will help keep our digestion warm and moving. Think warming spices, beans, legumes and bitter greens. Be mindful of sweet, sour and salty tastes which can increase kapha's qualities and cause further imbalance.

  2. Commit to moving daily! Spring is an ideal time for more invigorating exercise to keep things moving. A daily walk would be a great place to start!

  3. Dry brushing. This is one I've fully committed to this year and I can already tell it's making a huge difference. Dry brushing stimulates the lymphatic system and helps clear toxins from the body.

  4. Clean out the closet… or your room, desk, the pantry or any other space that feels cluttered. The season of growth and expansion is the perfect time to clear out the old and make room for the new.

  5. Wake early. One of the best ways to minimize the heavy energy in the mind and body is to wake with or before the sun. There is more light and clear vata energy at this time and it will be easier to rise. Be careful of oversleeping, which can lead to more heaviness and grogginess throughout the day.

Spring is a season of new beginnings, renewal and growth. It's time to get out in nature, admire the beautiful blooms, soak in the sun's warmth and spend time with friends and loved ones after a season of hibernation.


The Ayurvedic Guide to Self-Care through the 5 Love Languages