Tèa Ayurveda
{tay-ah eye-yur-veda}
Tèa is a nickname given to me by two little loved ones who couldn’t pronounce my name at the time and thought it was the Italian name from a children’s book. The nickname stuck and when looking up the meaning, I realized how aligned it was.
At Tèa Ayurveda, we believe that wellness starts from within and extends beyond the physical body, encompassing mental clarity, emotional resilience, and spiritual well-being. By embracing the wisdom of Ayurveda and fostering a deep connection with nature, we strive to help individuals lead fulfilling lives filled with vitality, joy, and purpose.
Tèa means “harvester,” “gift of god” or “goddess.” Téa Ayurveda is a space to merge herbalism and Ayurveda, known as “The Mother of all Healing.” This is a space for reconnecting with your inner wisdom and letting that be the light that guides the way.
The Ayurvedic Definition of Health
Samadoşa samāgni ca sama dhātu malakriyah
Prasanna ātma indriya manah svastha iti abhidhīyate
Sushruti Samhita 15/48
One who is established in Self, who has balanced dosas (primary life force), balanced agni (fire of digestion), properly formed dhatus (tissues), proper elimination of malas (waste products), well-functioning bodily processes, and whose mind, soul and senses are full of bliss is called a healthy person.
My favorite Sanskrit word is the word for health,
which is Svastha or Swastha, which translates to
“to be situated in one’s own self.”
Hi, I’m Taylor.
Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Yoga Teacher & Herbalism Student
My path has been a lot like yours: up and down and jagged. A bit sharp and dull and beautiful and painful and sometimes sad and often so wonderful.
In this space, I want to share how yoga, Ayurveda, herbalism, nutrition, meditation, and other therapeutic practices have provided me with the template from which I began to heal my heart, mind, body and soul. The study and implementation of their rich wisdom and practices have brought me back into alignment with who I am at my core.
These teachings exposed the deepest, truest part of me to myself. The raw me without the cloud of stories I told myself, the labels I wore, the scars I thought defined who I was and kept me stuck in repetitive habits and patterns. That peaceful, accepting, loving source has always been there and I’ve been learning to let her shine through more and more.
What I am offering through Tèa Ayurveda is guidance. I’m shining a light on a path. It’s up to you to take the first step, but I’ll be here to guide and support you along the way.
I am certified as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor from the Ayurvedic Center of Vermont.
I completed The Kripalu School of Ayurveda’s Foundations of Ayurveda course.
I completed a Level I Herbalism Course with Morrie Shafer at Herbal Arts Apothecary. I am currently in the Level II program.
I had the privilege of completing my 200 and 300 hour yoga training with the Ayurveda & Yoga Institute. I also completed their 100 hour Ayurvedic Yoga program and 100 hour Sadhana (Self-Study) Program.
I studied Yoga Nidrā, Vastu and yoga philosophy with Kaya’s Nectar of the Gita, Bhagavad Gita course under Kaya Mindlin, E-RYT 500.
I am a Reiki I & II practitioner. You can view my lineage here.
I deeply believe in staying curious and creating space for continued growth. I consider myself a life-long student. I am and will continue to research, attend trainings and seek out educational opportunities to stay up-to-date and continue to improve myself and my teachings.
I am forever grateful for the loving wisdom my teachers have shared with me.