Recipe: Beet & Scallion GF Sourdough Discard Pancakes
Beets have been my go-to breakfast lately. They are SO good sautéed with some spices and topped with an egg. Recently, with some sourdough discard I didn’t want to waste, I created these beautiful Beet & Scallion GF Sourdough Pancakes.
I was diagnosed with Celiac’s Disease in 2020 and quickly realized gluten free bread that is actually good is really hard to come by. Thankfully, I quickly found Aran Goyoaga, a gluten free baking genius, on Instagram and immediately bought her book Cannelle et Vanille and started making my own sourdough.
I’m only one person, and often a loaf of bread lasts me more than a week (kept in the fridge or freezer). So some weeks, I simply discard and feed my starter. I hate waste and so am always looking for ways to use the discard.
Last week I had the brilliant idea of combining my love of beets for breakfast with my discard and created these beautiful pink pancakes.
I also included a recipe for chopped coconut, cilantro and ginger that tops these pancakes off wonderfully.
I hope you enjoy these recipes!
From an Ayurvedic perspective:
This recipe is vata balancing, and can be balancing for pitta and kapha in moderation.
Beets are a root vegetable and contain the earth element, giving them a grounding quality. They have a sweet taste and when cooked, they are perfect for balancing vata dosha. Their sweetness also makes them balancing for pitta dosha.
The cumin spice in this recipe adds additional warmth, perfect for our cool vatas and kaphas.
The sour taste from the sourdough also helps to pacify vata.
The brown rice is heavy and warming and can help to balance both vata and kapha dosha.